With so many android versions in the market, Google released an update regarding the market share of each version so that the android mobile app developers know which version to work on. The update shows that 1.5-1.6 versions have less than 3% of the market now and developers can ignore app development for these versions.
This chart would tremendously help the developers understand the market requirement and work on the platforms accordingly. It’s a surprise to see that maximum android phones are still not using OS 2.3 and it has been over 10 months since this OS has been released. Google needs to work on it and needs to get the manufacturers to update the OS in the mobiles.
Google needs to get the manufacturers update the version in the latest mobile as this would be beneficial for Google itself as the browsers will be able to run new HTML5 web apps by Google. This way Google would be able to keep their browsers updated . Therefore, with this latest release of information from Google, the mobile developers as well as the mobile app developing companies know on which version of the Android OS they need to focus on.